Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Summer Spent Lost

I still had not been able to match up with the usual modes of living. I thought that perhaps I needed a proper challenge to feel like I was accomplishing anything at all, so I began working at a foundry. The hellish heat and the dust were tolerable after I adjusted, but the lack of safety was not, and I went back to the confusion of trying to make my "traveling" rhythm work with anything else.

I did manage to spend some time outdoors, and here are the results. Admittedly, there is nothing particularly special to be seen here, but I think these photos illustrate a typical Midwestern summer's day.

On the Verge of Spring: Moraine Hills State Park, IL

2010-03-10: After a long, sleepless winter, I anticipated the promise of more exploration. I went out as the snow began to melt, and I stepped into a wet, silent, fog shrouded dreamworld. Occasionally, the raucous calls of a pair of Sandhill Cranes could be heard, making this icy marsh even more eerie.

Frigid Solitude: McHenry County, IL

2010-02-25: The cold darkness of a winter morning was something with which I was obsessed as I struggled to integrate what I had just experienced into a normal pattern of life. Here, I tried to capture its essence.

Drawing a Line

This post will mark the boundary between my odyssey and my more conventional travels.